Getting Started with Discord

Getting Started on the Circuit Stream Discord Server

Essential Steps for New Members to Connect and Engage

After joining the server and completing the onboarding steps, you can get started with the platform! 

To make the most of your experience, follow the Getting Started with the Circuit Stream Discord Server steps: 

  1. Introduce Yourself: Head over to the #introductions channel and share a bit about yourself. This is a great way to meet fellow students and start building connections within the community.
  2. Stay Informed: Check out the #news and #events channels to stay updated on what's happening in the community, including upcoming events, workshops, and important announcements. 
  3. Course Questions: If you have questions related to your course, don't hesitate to ask in the #troubleshoot-forum or in the designated course channels. Your fellow students and instructors are here to help! 
  4. Read the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the server rules in the #rules channel. This ensures a positive environment for everyone and helps you understand the community guidelines. 

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to making valuable connections and enhancing your learning experience in the Circuit Stream Discord community! 

Need More Help? 

If you have any questions please contact us at