Navigating Your Path to Success in the Career Program
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Accessing and Submitting Your Job Seeker Agreement

Step-by-Step Instructions for Committing to Your Career Development Journey

The Job Seeker Agreement is a vital part of your journey in the Career Development Program, signifying your commitment to actively pursue employment opportunities after graduation. Follow the steps below to access and submit the Job Seeker Agreement. 

How to Access and Submit the Job Seeker Agreement

Follow the steps below to access Live Sessions: 

  1. Select the Career Development Program course on your LMS dashboard. 
  2. Click on the Content tab found in the black navigation bar within the course. 
  3. In the Welcome to the Career Development Program! module, select the first Job-Seekers Agreement. 
  4. Download the agreement to your device, then read and fill in all necessary information. 
  5. Go back to the Welcome to the Career Development Program! module, and select the second Job-Seeker Agreement. 
  6. Attach your signed Job Seeker Agreement in the the Job-Seeker Agreement assignment, by clicking Add Attachments. 
  7. Finally, click Update to submit your agreement.  

Need More Help?

If you have any questions, please contact us at